ClickNurture Survey Tool provides you with a dynamic platform to create your online survey with varied choices. The choices come with different options in themes, colours, fonts, and images.Distribute your surveys using web links, emails or invite your visitors just before they abandon your site to uncover their objections or concerns. No prior technical knowledge is required to make the Online Survey.Easy drag-n-drop options makes it very interesting tool.
ClickNurture Surveys allow you to ask your site visitors or customers an unlimited number of questions. It gives the ability to ask answers in different forms like check boxes, selections boxes and so on. Additionally, you can invite people to fill in your survey directly from any page of your site and based on user behaviour. It provides you with the most fastest and intuitive interface for the users' behaviour.
ClickNurture equips you with a powerful tool to evaluate, analyse and monitor your results on one platform. The output is self - explained and easy to understand. The survey builder effectively meets the needs of growing and expanding businesses across countries.Online survey tool is a cost effective tool to understand your audience and serve them better.
The Survey Builder offers the usefulness of automatic evaluation and displaying of information in figures and charts. The results of each survey can be exported immediately in Excel or CSV formats.
Significantly reduces the set-up and administration costs and saves a lot of time and effort in administering, collecting and analyzing surveys.
Survey Builder can provide tackles on all aspects of information received from customers that need to be addressed to provide facility and convenience in return.
The data collected through the Online Survey Builder application is more accurate and objective as the role of interviewer is absent.
Survey Builder is simple and user friendly, and is designed to spare hassles and time and provide convenience in drawing up online surveys.
Allows an organization to analyze the feedback and quickly address any issues or concerns and make an effect on future strategies.
ClickNurture Gives powerfull tool for analytics
Easy Signup process with four different pricing packages. Begin with one which suitable for you
Set pages you want on tracking for analytics reports.
Analyse the changes on all in one panel and witness the difference.